Father puts a bandage on his son’s knee scrape after he fell off his bike. Father puts a bandage on his son’s knee scrape after he fell off his bike.

How to Get Blood Out of Clothing

Blood stains can ruin your favorite clothes. But removing them is as easy as soaking them in a solution of OxiClean™ Versatile Stain Remover before washing.

Removing Blood Stains from Clothing

Removing Blood Stains Removing Blood Spot Stains
If you need to remove a blood stain from a shirt, act fast! Treat the stain as quickly as possible, and follow this easy process for how to get blood out of clothes:
Wipe icon
1. Remove

Remove any excess blood stain by rinsing with cool water before pre-soaking the item.

Fill icon
2. Fill

Fill the OxiClean™ scoop to line 4 per 1 gallon of water and mix well.

Soak icon
3. Soak

Once the OxiClean™ has fully dissolved, submerge the blood-stained items. For best results, soak for six hours.

Wash icon
4. Wash

As normal with detergent and OxiClean™ Versatile Stain Remover. That’s how you use OxiClean™ to remove blood stains.

Always test OxiClean™ Versatile Stain Remover on an inconspicuous area first. Rinse, and allow it to dry. Safe on colorfast fabrics only. Always follow manufacturer’s instructions for water temperature and for cleaning. Do not use on wool, wool blends, silk, silk blends, leather or on fabrics labeled dry-clean only.
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Thank goodness for #MyOxiClean products or I’d have one sad boy and one stinky tiger!”
#MyOxiClean is about real people sharing their cleaning tips and tricks.